Thursday 26 March 2015

Environmental Final Presentation

One of the final presentations that I enjoyed most was Rachel's and Caroline. I especially liked how Rachel talked about how didn't know what a compost was until we discussed it in class. I think that although many may not admit it, we are unaware of a lot of environmental communication in our surrounding. Similar to Rachel, I never knew what organic and all natural stood until I researched it and learned about through our snack show and tell periods in class. I also find myself noticing and paying attention to the ways that organizations are communicating about their environmental initiatives. The past few weeks I find myself analyzing the packaging more so than I ever had before. I also have become more critical about organic and all natural labeling as it is important to make an informed decision. In part, this is what I liked her Caroline's presentation as well as she talked about how she lost touch with the environmental and is now getting back in touch with it. I feel the same way as I used to be a part of green week initiatives every year throughout high school and now I find myself to be too busy.

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